Star Wars TIE Fighter

Developer: LucasArts

Publisher: LucasArts

Year Released: 1994
Synopsis: Fans of space combat games will always have a soft spot to games like Wing Commander or Elite, but no game before or since has captured the drama and action of the genre as well as TIE Fighter. Benefiting from the lessons learned from the X-Wing game that launched the franchise, TIE Fighter boasted some of the best flight mechanics and mission design ever seen in a space combat game. Long before Knights of the Old Republic gave us a chance to see what it's like to serve the Empire, TIE Fighter presented the opportunity for the player to become the villain. The Collector's Edition went one better by adding improved polygonal graphics and brilliant sound design. There have been a few imitators since this classic game was released, but none have come close to delivering the excitement and joy that we still find running secret missions for the Emperor.


Space flight simulators began to boom in the late '80s and early '90s, but LucasArts arguably stole the crown with its 1994 space hit, TIE Fighter. A sequel to the well received X-Wing, this follow-up enlisted players into the galactic Empire and assigned them missions to help suppress the mutinous Rebel uprising. Playing the devil's advocate was -- and still is -- a brilliant spin on the Star Wars universe, and TIE Fighter's improved flight mechanics, combat, missions, and lengthy, involved storyline still rank it very highly among the best of the very best games ever created.

Release Date: January 01, 1994
Also on: Mac
E for Everyone: Animated Violence






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